Crucial assistance when most needed

How we can assist

After suffering a serious accident involving head injury and trauma to the brain (TBI), once stabilised in hospital the patient will most likely be transferred to an intensive rehabilitation unit in either, Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch. The most crucial time to assist and facilitate recovery is in the first 100 days following the trauma when it is important to use these highly specialised units with the most qualified and skilled people available.

At an appropriate time, a decision will need to be made when discharge is imminent, as to where the patient will be going to live. Most often it will be back where the person came from before his/her accident. Appropriate supports and on-going treatment will be assessed and provided for by ACC and their contracted agencies as necessary to help facilitate this.

In some circumstances Residential Care may be the most appropriate and preferred option.

This is where the patient, now referred to as a Resident or Client may transfer and live in a specialised environment/ home, supported by equipment and appropriately skilled staff that will provide a level of service as identified from a Support Needs Assessment for the on-going wellbeing and rehabilitation of the resident. The length of time that a resident may stay in Residential Care will be determined by the goals that are agreed between all parties involved and may involve a short or long term stay. Omahanui can provide Residential Care. Prospective Clients may come from areas all over New Zealand and not just the Whanganui district.

  • Omahanui has in place a Residential Support Services Contract with ACC.
  • Omahanui is registered under the Ministry of Health, Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001 to provide certain health care services.

The services that may be provided are -

  • Residential disability services - Intellectual
  • Residential disability services - Physical.