Residential Support Services

What We Do

Omahanui has a contract with ACC to provide Residential Support Services to people who have had an accident or severe injury involving the brain and its functions. The injury is referred to as a TBI or traumatic brain injury.

We are also able to accommodate and support people with spinal injuries while they can gain access to the supports and equipment that they will need to return to their pre injury environment, families and workplace.

Trained, Enthusiastic Staff and Support Team

We work with a dedicated and enthusiastic team of allied health professionals including – medical specialists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech language therapists, dieticians, social workers and neuro-psychologists.

All staff employed at Omahanui are specifically trained to work effectively in the area of brain injury rehabilitation and undergo training to support them do this. Professor Barry Willer of the University of Buffalo acts as a mentor and has visited with us, and the families of our Residents on an irregular programme.

Working with Families

We work closely with families as part of our team and meet on an informal basis to discuss progress and care planning for our residents. As part of any rehabilitation programme we access the services that are available in our community so that the individual can continue to participate in them following discharge from our service. All programmes are based around the individuals’ needs, their goals and in supporting them to continue to have meaningful and purposeful lives.

Once individuals are ready to return to their homes we are able to provide support in their community and to help with further rehabilitation as required.